
Showing posts from March, 2013

Client-side scripting for Taxonomy/Term Set Fields

    I haven’t found any way of how to attach to onchange event of term store fields for the edit/new forms, so I had to spend a couple of hours on reverse engineering of WebTaggingDialog.js and ScriptForWebTaggingUI.js and in piece of HTML which represents SharePoint FormField for Taxonomy field.      So, in HTML this field is bound as a set of spans, divs, hidden field and image to open WebTaggingDialog.aspx:   < SPAN id =ctl00_MyTaxonomyFieldID_ctl00_ctl00>     < INPUT id =ctl00_MyTaxonomyFieldID_ctl00_ctl01 class ="ms-taxonomy ms-taxonomy-height ms-long" value =MyTaxonomyFieldValue|f0d123d1-ac8c-4a18-bccb-65c9b5ea83af type =hidden>     < DIV id =ctl00_MyTaxonomyFieldID_ctl00_ctl02 class ="ms-taxonomy ms-taxonomy-height ms-long" InputFieldId ="ctl00_MyTaxonomyFieldID_ctl00_ctl01" SspId ="68e138c4-5729-4ddd-ab0d-95c688c6c8eb" GroupId ="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" TermSetId ="14